
Xiao’s 4th Travel Report 🇬🇧 🇩🇪

28/5 – 29/5, Kathmandu

🇬🇧 Hello dear friend. Yesterday Fatima and I stopped by a Thanka painting shop. It’s interesting for me because i am used to drawing Mandalas which are often found in Thanka paintings.
🇩🇪 Hallo lieber Freund. Gestern waren Fatima und ich in einem Geschäft für Thanka-Malerei. Es ist interessant für mich, weil ich gewohnt bin, Mandalas zu zeichnen, die oft in Thanka-Gemälden zu finden sind.
🇬🇧 I am so fascinated by this kind of artwork.
🇩🇪 Ich bin so fasziniert von dieser Art von Kunstwerken.
🇬🇧 This man is a master in painting Thanka paintings, he has been painting Thanka for over 10 years. He explained for us the meaning behind the painting.
🇩🇪 Dieser Mann ist ein Meister der Thanka-Malerei, er malt seit über 10 Jahren Thanka. Er erklärte uns die Bedeutung hinter dem Bild.
🇬🇧 Amazing work with endless details which were painted by yak hair.
🇩🇪 Erstaunliche Arbeit mit unzähligen Details, die mit Yakhaaren gemalt wurden.
🇬🇧 The three animals in the circle – pigg, rooster and snake represent ignorance, desire and anger which are supposed to be overcame by human to get the inner peace.
🇩🇪 Die drei Tiere im Kreis – Schwein, Hahn und Schlange – stehen für Unwissenheit, Begierde und Wut, die vom Menschen überwunden werden sollen, um den inneren Frieden zu finden.
🇬🇧 According to the master painter, this is a non-profit organizations, the proceeds from the sale of paintings will be used in the subject of Thanka painting courses.
🇩🇪 Nach Angaben des Malermeisters handelt es sich um eine gemeinnützige Organisation, deren Erlös aus dem Verkauf von Gemälden in das Projekt Thanka-Malkurse fließt.
🇬🇧 He was so happy about our interest in these Nepali snacks. I think when I visit a place, i should also taste it.
🇩🇪 Er war so glücklich über unser Interesse an diesen nepalesischen Snacks. Ich denke, wenn ich diesen Ort besuche, sollte ich sie auch probieren.
🇬🇧 And it tastes very good.
🇩🇪 Und es schmeckt sehr gut.
🇬🇧 There came a French girl, Caroline, who shares room with us for 2 nights. She loves embroidery and showed me her work – Buddha Eyes. She has been in Nepal for 3 month and was about to leave for Europe. It was so interesting to hear about her experience in Nepal with Fabric workshop visiting, yoga course, trekking tour and much more…
🇩🇪 Es kam ein französisches Mädchen, Caroline, die mit uns für 2 Nächte das Zimmer teilt. Sie liebt Stickerei und zeigte mir ihre Arbeit – Buddha Eyes. Sie ist seit 3 Monaten in Nepal und wollte gerade nach Europa abreisen. Es war so interessant, von ihren Erfahrungen in Nepal zu hören, mit dem Besuch von Stoffwerkstätten, Yogakursen, Trekkingtouren und vielem mehr…
🇬🇧 She said she would practice yoga on the rooftop this morning. I’m so thankful that i might join her. So at 5:30 this morning, 3 girls from three nationalities, France, Iran and China, shared a magical moment together.
🇩🇪 Sie sagte, sie würde heute Morgen auf dem Dach Yoga machen. Ich bin so dankbar, dass ich mich ihr anschließen darf. Heute Morgen um 5:30 Uhr erlebten drei Mädchen aus drei verschiedenen Ländern – Frankreich, Iran und China – einen magischen Moment miteinander.
🇬🇧 Later on, Caroline left the hostel to catch her flight towards France. And the Iranian girl (forgot her name just now) and I spent a wonderful time together on the rooftop and changed our life stories and ideas. She had gone through a lot to become the person she is today. I have my deepest respect for her to have the courage to overcome all the repression and prejudice from her society and family and follow her heart’s way. She wants to share her story with more people in her country to help them live out their freedom.🙏🏼❤️🌱✨🌌
Then I drew my first little Mandala since I got here. Thanks for all the meetings I have had.
🇩🇪 Später verließ Caroline die Jugendherberge, um ihren Flug nach Frankreich anzutreten. Und das iranische Mädchen (ich habe ihren Namen gerade vergessen) und ich verbrachten eine wunderbare Zeit auf dem Dach und tauschten unsere Lebensgeschichten und Ideen aus. Sie hatte viel durchgemacht, um die Person zu werden, die sie heute ist. Ich habe meinen tiefsten Respekt vor ihrem Mut, all die Unterdrückung und Vorurteile ihrer Gesellschaft und Familie zu überwinden und dem Weg ihres Herzens zu folgen. Sie möchte ihre Geschichte mit mehr Menschen in ihrem Land teilen, um ihnen zu helfen, ihre Freiheit zu leben.🙏🏼❤️🌱✨🌌
Dann habe ich mein erstes kleines Mandala gemalt, seit ich hier bin. Danke für all die Begegnungen, die ich hatte.

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Xiao’s 3th Travel Report 🇬🇧 🇩🇪

26/5 – 27/5, Kathmandu

🇬🇧 Hello dear friend. I was surprised to find out that Kathmandu in the early morning has a totally different temperament from daytime.
📍Roof terrace of ‚Restup Hostel‘‚, 4:53AM
🇩🇪 Hallo lieber Freund. Ich war überrascht festzustellen, dass Kathmandu am frühen Morgen ein ganz anderes Temperament hat als am Tag.
🇬🇧 So I decided to take a walk.
🇩🇪 Also beschloss ich, einen Spaziergang zu machen.
🇬🇧 And some are already on their way, just to earn a living.
🇩🇪 Und einige sind bereits auf dem Weg, um ihren Lebensunterhalt zu verdienen.
🇬🇧 I feel sorry to offend him by taking photo…
🇩🇪 Es tut mir leid, ihn mit dem Foto zu beleidigen…
🇬🇧 I was wondering why they are selling these flower rings everywhere in the early morning.
🇩🇪 Ich habe mich gefragt, warum sie am frühen Morgen überall diese Blumenringe verkaufen.
🇬🇧 Then I realized that these was a ongoing religious service being held by Hindus. And it happens every Saturday.
🇩🇪 Dann wurde mir klar, dass es sich um einen fortlaufenden religiösen Gottesdienst handelt, der von Hindus abgehalten wird. Und er findet jeden Samstag statt.
🇬🇧 Pigeons are respected in Hinduism and it is part of the ritual to throw food to them.
🇩🇪 Tauben werden im Hinduismus respektiert, und es ist Teil des Rituals, ihnen Essen zuzuwerfen.
🇬🇧 There seems to be a market in the square at the same time.
🇩🇪 Zur gleichen Zeit scheint auf dem Platz ein Markt stattzufinden.
🇬🇧 It seems that any means of transport will appear in any place or occasion in Nepal. Kind of cute in some way.
🇩🇪 Es scheint, dass in Nepal jedes Transportmittel an jedem Ort oder bei jeder Gelegenheit auftaucht. Irgendwie niedlich.
🇬🇧 It was getting light slowly. I then walked towards the hostel again. It felt like i had met Kathmandu personally this morning.
🇩🇪 Es wurde langsam hell. Ich bin dann wieder in Richtung Hostel gegangen. Es fühlte sich an, als hätte ich Kathmandu heute Morgen persönlich kennengelernt.
🇬🇧 Some people were gathering on a small passage, I was curious.
🇩🇪 Einige Leute versammelten sich an einem kleinen Durchgang, ich war neugierig.
🇬🇧 They are maybe waiting for a delicious breakfast.
🇩🇪 Vielleicht warten sie auf ein leckeres Frühstück.
🇬🇧 Then the guy who owns a barber shop nearby the hostel insisted on trimming my eyebrows…
🇩🇪 Dann bestand der Kerl, dem ein Friseursalon in der Nähe des Hostels gehört, darauf, meine Augenbrauen zu stutzen…
🇬🇧 I’m never used to do that, but okej, the result looks not so bad though.
🇩🇪 Ich bin es nicht gewohnt, so etwas zu tun, aber okej, das Ergebnis sieht gar nicht so schlecht aus.
🇬🇧 In the afternoon I get my new roommate, Fatima from Morocco. She is as lovely as my last roommate. We are vibing so well with each other directly.
🇩🇪 Am Nachmittag bekomme ich meine neue Mitbewohnerin, Fatima aus Marokko. Sie ist genauso nett wie meine letzte Mitbewohnerin. Wir verstehen uns auf Anhieb sehr gut.
🇬🇧 She suggested we visit the Monkey temple.
📍‘Swayambhunath Stupa‚, Kathmandu
🇩🇪 Sie schlug vor, dass wir den Affentempel besuchen.
🇬🇧 After climbing many steps, we are finnaly there.
🇩🇪 Nachdem wir viele Stufen erklommen haben, sind wir endlich da.
🇬🇧 And then it suddenly rained. Everyone ran in all directions and hided under the roofs.
🇩🇪 Und dann regnete es plötzlich. Alle rannten in alle Richtungen und verkrochen sich unter den Dächern.
🇬🇧 When the rain got lighter, we headed towards the hostel. To be honest, this tourist attraction is not attracting for me at all. But we got see a nice view from above, and we had fun together.
🇩🇪 Als der Regen nachließ, machten wir uns auf den Weg zum Hostel. Um ehrlich zu sein, ist diese Touristenattraktion für mich überhaupt nicht attraktiv. Aber wir bekamen eine schöne Aussicht von oben zu sehen, und wir hatten Spaß zusammen.

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Xiao’s 2th Travel Report 🇬🇧 🇩🇪

24/5 – 26/5, Kathmandu

🇬🇧 Hello dear friend. On my very first day in Kathmandu did i already get a kind friend Sneha. She is from Nepal and stay at the same room as me, but only for a few days.
🇩🇪 Hallo lieber Freund. An meinem allerersten Tag in Kathmandu habe ich bereits eine nette Freundin, Sneha, bekommen. Sie kommt aus Nepal und wohnt im selben Zimmer wie ich, allerdings nur für ein paar Tage.
🇬🇧 Sneha showed me the Durbar Square in the evening, there were many different religious rituals being performed, but I was too tired to even enjoy it.
🇩🇪 Sneha zeigte mir am Abend den Durbar Square, wo viele verschiedene religiöse Rituale abgehalten wurden, aber ich war zu müde, um das alles zu genießen.
🇬🇧 Then we took a walk through the city.
🇩🇪 Dann haben wir einen Spaziergang durch die Stadt gemacht.
🇬🇧 Got some dinner. Yummy.
🇩🇪 Habe etwas zu essen bekommen. Lecker.
🇬🇧 Then, I relaxed…
🇩🇪 Dann habe ich entspannt…
🇬🇧 The next day was a rainy day.
🇩🇪 Der nächste Tag war ein Regentag.
🇬🇧 Sneha and I ate Nepali food. I choose to eat vegetarian food in nepal because i just don’t feel for meat. And it was delicious, even though it dose’t look specially tasty. (The black sauce is curry mixed with some condiment in black.)
🇩🇪 Sneha und ich haben nepalesisches Essen gegessen. Ich habe mich in Nepal für vegetarisches Essen entschieden, weil ich einfach keine Lust auf Fleisch habe. Und es war köstlich, auch wenn es nicht besonders lecker aussieht. (Die schwarze Soße ist Curry, gemischt mit irgendeinem Gewürz in Schwarz).
🇬🇧 Then, I relaxed…
🇩🇪 Dann entspannte ich mich…
🇬🇧 Another day. I forgot to mention that I have a really poor sense of direction and I got lost twice already on my first day there. Thanks to the offline navigator that Frank found for me, I was able to relax and walk around the streets.
🇩🇪 Ein anderer Tag. Ich vergaß zu erwähnen, dass ich einen wirklich schlechten Orientierungssinn habe und mich schon am ersten Tag zweimal verlaufen habe. Dank des Offline-Navigators (auch für Fußgänger!), den Frank für mich gefunden hat, konnte ich mich entspannen und durch die Straßen laufen.
🇬🇧 Nepal’s electrical wiring system is a mystery.
🇩🇪 Nepals elektrisches Leitungssystem ist ein Rätsel.
🇬🇧 Most Nepalese are Hindu and believe that the runes on their doors bring good luck.
🇩🇪 Die meisten Nepalesen sind Hindus und glauben, dass die Runen an ihren Türen Glück bringen.
🇬🇧 Hindu statues everywhere.
🇩🇪 Überall Hindu-Statuen.
🇬🇧 Sneha is going to left the hostel. Before she goes, she wants me to make her a braided twist.
🇩🇪 Sneha wird das Hostel verlassen. Bevor sie geht, möchte sie, dass ich ihr einen Zopf flechte.
🇬🇧 Nice to meet you Sneha.🙏🏼❤️
🇩🇪 Schön, Dich getroffen zu haben, Sneha. 🙏🏼❤️
🇬🇧 Capital by (really) night – of course preprogrammed with this wild „wiring“
🇩🇪 Hauptstadt bei (echter) Nacht – natürlich vorprogrammiert bei dieser wilden „Verkabelung“

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Xiao’s 1th Travel Report 🇬🇧 🇩🇪

23/5 – 24/5, flights to Kathmandu

🇬🇧 Hello dear friend, with all the lovely wishes from you I startade my trip. Taking farewell was tearful, but hopeful and heartful too.
📍Stuttgart airport, 23/5
🇩🇪 Hallo lieber Freund, mit all den lieben Wünschen von Dir habe ich meine Reise angetreten. Der Abschied war tränenreich, aber auch hoffnungsvoll und voller Herz.
🇬🇧 On the way I had to change planes to three countries, Austria, Saudi Arabia and Dubai.
📍Wien airport shuttle bus
🇩🇪 Auf dem Weg dorthin musste ich in drei Ländern das Flugzeug wechseln: Österreich, Saudi-Arabien und Dubai.
🇬🇧 Above the clouds, I was listening to a song, it says, „You are forever pure, You are forever true, and the dream of this world can never touch you. So give up your attachment, and give up your confusion, and fly to that space, that’s beyond all illusion…“
🇩🇪 Über den Wolken hörte ich ein Lied, in dem es heißt: „Du bist für immer rein, du bist für immer wahr, und der Traum dieser Welt kann dich niemals berühren. Also gib deine Anhaftung auf, und gib deine Verwirrung auf, und fliege zu dem Raum, der jenseits aller Illusion ist…“
📍Dammam Airport, Saudi Arabia
🇬🇧 Areas that appear to have been abandoned by humans. In front of nuture, human beings are less capable than desirable. Gottseidank.
🇩🇪 Gebiete, die vom Menschen verlassen zu sein scheinen. Vor der Natur ist der Mensch weniger fähig als wünschenswert. Gottseidank.
🇬🇧 A syrien friend I made in airplane.
📍Shajha airport, Dubai, 24/5
🇩🇪 Ein syrischer Freund, den ich im Flugzeug kennengelernt habe.
🇬🇧 He wrote on my diary book, „A coincidental encounter is better than thousand meeting.“
🇩🇪 Er schrieb in mein Tagebuchbuch: „Eine zufällige Begegnung ist besser als tausend Treffen.“
📍Above Kanthmandu
📍Kanthmandu airport
🇬🇧 On the way to my hostel. Got picked up by the driver from hostel
🇩🇪 Auf dem Weg zu meinem Hostel. Wurde vom Fahrer des Hostels abgeholt
🇬🇧 After a long journey of 26 hours, I finally arrived in Kathmandu, the capital of Nepal, exhausted but happy
📍‚Restup Hostel‘, Kanthmandu
🇩🇪 Nach einer langen Reise von 26 Stunden kam ich schließlich erschöpft, aber glücklich in Kathmandu, der Hauptstadt von Nepal, an.
🇬🇧 On the rooftop of hostel.
🇩🇪 Auf der Dachterrasse des Hostels.
🇬🇧 It will be a good rest place here. I do not have any plan for the time here, just go with the flow and see what will happen to me.
Namaste. 🙏🏼❤️
🇩🇪 Es wird hier ein guter Ort zum Ausruhen sein. Ich habe keinen Plan für die Zeit hier, lasse mich einfach treiben und schaue, was mit mir passiert.
Namaste. 🙏🏼❤️

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To the overview of Xiao’s Travel Reports (🇩🇪 zum Überblick)


Overview Xiao’s Nepal-Tibet-China Journey 🇬🇧 🇩🇪

🇬🇧 Ms Xiao’s journey – a wonderful gift of life 💜🙏😍
came in right time of course – if you trust in it 😘
1th Travel Report
2th Travel Report
3th Travel Report
4th Travel Report
5th Travel Report
6th Travel Report
7th Travel Report
8th Travel Report
9th Travel Report
10th Travel Report
11th Travel Report
12th Travel Report
13th Travel Report

🇬🇧 To be continued as soon as Xiao sends the next report via WhatsApp

🇩🇪 Wird fortgesetzt sobald Xiao den nächszen Bericht via WhatsApp sendet


If it doesn’t go according to the will…

…and it still makes sense (in hindsight) 🙃

The sudden (thriller-worthy) end to my long-planned and long-awaited wish/dream motorbike tour around the Mediterranean.

On the slightly sloping, still damp coastal road (5) in the Gulf of Patras (Greece), the rear wheel of the motorbike in front of me (Ralf and Kerstin, whom I met at the last campsite) suddenly slips briefly. Although I have a distance of about 50 metres at only about 60 km/h, I reflexively (of course, as an ex-MotoCrosser) pull the brake lever very lightly with two fingers – my front wheel immediately slips away and I slide almost without resistance sitting on the road next to my „Caribu“!
As the road bends slightly to the left, my motorbike and I get closer and closer to the crash barrier and to avoid crashing my body into one of the many sharp-edged crash barrier posts, I even have time to choose one of the nearest posts with my right foot to catch myself. There is a sharp pain in my midfoot and immediately afterwards a metallic crash from the Caribu, which has hit a post later.
I shout ‚Fucking crash barrier‘ and as I try to put weight on my foot, the angry cry turns into a pained yelp.
I hop over to the Caribu on one leg and see the severed front fork tube. Now that I realise that this (after almost 3 weeks and a good 5000 km – not even a quarter of the planned tour!) is probably the end of my Mediterranean circumnavigation dream, I hop on one leg and take one last photo.
Ralf must have seen it in the rear-view mirror, because he immediately turned round with Kerstin and explains to me that he didn’t have to do anything, as his rear wheel only slipped very briefly and the road immediately regained grip.
So I must have reacted too quickly and unnecessarily right at the beginning of the incomprehensibly slippery but not obvious section.
When I see that 20 metres further on, directly behind the crash barrier, there is a very deep vertical drop to the sea, I take back my insults to the crash barrier!

As more and more people join us, suddenly the police are there too, talking at me like crazy (in Greek, which is of course incomprehensible to the three of us). Then an old car is stopped on the opposite carriageway and, under my protests, I am pushed into the rickety box with the helpless elderly driver. It doesn’t seem to matter that it’s only 20 kilometres to Patras (the next big city) in our direction of travel. Ralf pushes the previously filled rubbish bag with my most essential items and helmet after me and says they will take care of the motorbike.
After an adventurous ride of almost 30 kilometres – during which I even forget the terrible pain in my right metatarsal for a few moments due to the fear of death – the probably drunk driver drops me off at a small hospital in Missolonghi in his almost brakeless clunker with steering problems.
While I’m lying alone for a long time on a cot in a kind of storeroom, someone suddenly reaches for my bin bag standing next to me – at the last moment I can just about grab it and clutch it tightly while small hands reach for my jacket, which I manage to save in time! It’s a gypsy woman with her children! I scream like mad with rage and terror so that they quickly leave the chamber and my long, painful wait is finally over as the nurses rush in.
It is already dark outside and there seems to be only one „white coat“ (with only a very poor knowledge of English) „working“.
After clearly explaining the pain in my metatarsal, he only x-rays my ankle? He dismissed my desperate explanation of the injury in my metatarsal with a snooty attitude.
To his relief, the x-rays of course show no visible injury and he gives me a few injections – which unfortunately only alleviate my great pain for a short time and only moderately!
After another long wait, I am put in an ambulance with a rubbish bag and X-rays, which takes me the 50 kilometres through the night and on the short ferry to a proper hospital in Patras.
Here, totally exhausted, I am immediately examined again, now by a doctor who speaks some English, who also listens to my pain report and x-rays my metatarsal.
4 metatarsal bones have been smashed through, just as I had caught my foot on the crash barrier post – through the sturdy motorbike boot sole! Shaking his head, he looks at the „healthy x-rays“ from the hospital and says: „Bungler“ and he shows me that the fracture ends of one of the broken bones are lying unsightly on top of each other. He thinks that a nerve is probably trapped between them, which is why I’m in so much pain.

He advised me to have it done in Germany as soon as possible, as it wouldn’t be completely straightforward.
He wanted to know what medication I would have been injected with at the hospital, as no one could be contacted there and nothing had been recorded in writing by the bungler – as of course I don’t know either, he could only give me mild painkillers and hope that I would somehow get some important sleep during the night.
Unfortunately, the totally overcrowded hospital was currently on strike again, which is why he wanted to apologise now.
At midnight, I am deposited in my rickety hospital bed somewhere in the totally dirty corridor between lots of other beds and a lot of traffic from the loudly helping and mostly smoking relatives. A plastic cup of water is placed on my side table and when I want to drink it all at some point during the almost sleepless night, I realise at the very last moment that several cigarette butts are floating in it!
When I doze off in the morning, I’m rudely awoken by two policemen talking to me in wild Greek and holding a Greek document under my nose for me to sign. Of course I don’t sign it (perhaps my death warrant), which enrages them and almost makes them violent.
Now I start (again) to scream in panic – which worked wonders for the gypsy family and the nurses who rushed over yesterday! The doctors who have now rushed over first send the policemen away and explain to me that I will be fitted with a plaster splint later and that if I leave the hospital immediately with it on, I won’t have to pay?
While I’m being fitted with a plaster cast, Ralf and Kerstin come and tell me that my „Caribu“ has been parked on the pavement here in Patras, but at least in front of a police station, so we can hope that at least the motorbike won’t be stolen or the luggage box locks won’t be broken.
Later, the policemen come back – with a Frenchman living in Greece who can speak a little English!!!
When he tries to bumpily translate the Greek police dictionary for me, I shake my head and start shouting effectively again.
I explain to my friends Kerstin and Ralf, who are of course also totally shocked, that it’s not panic or a state of shock, but just my very helpful emergency tool.
As they can’t do anything else for me at the moment and I’ve already held up their journey enough, I want to say a very fond farewell to them – when they ask how I’m going to manage this on my own, I just say that they’ve just been able to see how I’m managing quite well in this mess – as long as my voice doesn’t break 😉
With my huge, full bin bag under my arm, I hobble crookedly on crutches towards the uncertain (hospital) exit and quickly „borrow“ a wheelchair that seems to be waiting for me in a corner.
I am able to get to a phone box in the chaotic entrance hall a little more comfortably and call the ADAC international emergency service in Munich with my Euro protection letter.
After I explain my precarious situation to the man, he says: „You seem to know how to help yourself – take a taxi and negotiate a good price for the journey to the private clinic in Athens, a good 200 kilometres away. When you get there, you can relax and expect proper help.“
After quite some time, a taxi finally pulls up on the main road, gesticulating from behind my large bin bag, and the driver even agrees to the price suggested by the fit ADAC man.
We are right outside the private clinic in the centre of Athens when I am woken up by him a good 3 hours later! He could have driven me to hell, I slept so soundly – it was just a bit of action and a bit of sleep for little Frange the last 24 hours!!!
In the modern clinic, I am put into a 2-bed room with an old man, with whom I have a good chat for the rest of the day – when I’m not in (my) telephone conference (premiere) with ADAC, the German doctor and my travelling companion.
When I wake up the next morning, the dear old man has gone „home“ for good – which I report to the nurse, no longer wondering about anything.
The care at the private clinic leaves nothing to be desired (perhaps Frange is extra frugal after all he’s been through), only my planned return journey seems to cause the ADAC greater concern, as I can’t actually leave the country without my motorbike registered in my passport, but the operation in Germany can’t wait for the bureaucratic weeks!

Fortunately, there are many pages between the motorbike entry and Frank’s entry in the passport and we hope that it won’t be noticed, as I prepare the passport so that it automatically pops up when you put it down.
My travelling companion is a woman from Stuttgart who lives in Athens and is therefore able to visit her old home from time to time free of charge thanks to her part-time job at the ADAC.
She is always at my side on the journey through Athens (where it snowed a few days ago – in early May, mind you!) in my wheelchair (which is officially borrowed this time). We are only separated at the airport between check-in and boarding the aircraft, of course, as I have to get onto the plane via the goods lift.
My passport opens as planned when I enter and although you can clearly see the helmet in the large rubbish bag in front of me (not only during the X-ray), no one (or everyone) is suspicious – the Greek mentality helps me this time.
As an airport employee pushes me in my wheelchair (under huge wings) across the huge tarmac towards the aircraft, I suddenly notice a few metres ahead of us the elongated openings of a rain gutter grille exactly in our direction of travel! I hope that the small front wheels of the wheelchair don’t just disappear into it – but they do – and I am tipped out of the wheelchair with a swing, but manage to save myself by jumping forwards quickly, clutching the large bin bag tightly, landing on one leg in front of the tilted wheelchair.
My slider is deathly pale – and up on the viewing terrace and behind the viewing windows, enthusiastic people are applauding.
I give him a quick hug with a wink and the bin bag between us and then enjoy my panoramic ride on the open freight lift up to the aircraft!
The flight home is frighteningly smooth, almost boring 😉
At the hospital in Böblingen, to my pleasant surprise, I am looked after by my former classmate Beate, who works here as a theatre nurse.
From here, I get in touch with my parents, who are only now able to help me – and who have been spared a lot of worry as a result.

Without this accident and the resulting cancellation of my trip, I probably wouldn’t have been able to let go of my well-paid, secure job at the cold Mercedes-Benz Group so easily and something new wouldn’t have fallen to me.
Namely the friendly two-man company Stetzler in Aidlingen where Udo, the boss, wanted to employ me since my „Caribu self-build“ was registered with the TÜV to his astonishment and I now worked with plaster as a trial and was then allowed to contribute my labour and ideas with great pleasure for seven years…
So in the end, everything makes sense – thank you dear „life…“ 😍

A few weeks later, the ADAC brings my „CARIBU“ home. Apparently it had been parked on the street in front of the Greek police station the whole time and the only thing that disappeared from the unlocked aluminium boxes was a porn magazine that I had bought in Rome – there’s always a little bit of shame and the law enforcement officers are allowed a little fun on duty 🙃

That was in the summer of 1987.
In 1994, life took me to what has since become my home in Swedish Lapland clone to the Arctic Circle, where in 2016 I suddenly got the sign for a unplanned aimless cycle tour that took me to and through China in a WONDERful way.
The nightmarish end of this tour is even more incredible with life-threatening illness, kidnap attempt, theft, damage to property, death threat, slander, bounty hunting, conspiracy, arrest, corruption, court, deportation camp, horror prison, deportation… and finally leads to the freedom of my soul mate (and since 2017 wife) Xiao.
Due to the Swedish mentality and the events in the world, the supposed nightmare was only over four years later – life knows and can – if you trust it completely 😍