…through an experienced past

For a long time I have been waiting for a confirmation of my heart knowledge that I now got through the two Jesus volumes 🙏 While I was even able to download the following 20 books from Dolores for free, I asked for signs to be allowed to share them because the time is clearly ripe for a loving future through understanding and compassion

What do you do when you discover information that is before its time? What do you do when your curiosity takes you on an adventure that is so bizarre that there is nothing normal to relate to? This is what happened to Dolores Cannon in 1968, long before she began her career as a past-life hypnotherapist and regressionist. Travel back with us to that time when the words reincarnation, past-lives, regression, walk-ins, New Age were unknown to the general population.
This is the story of two normal people, who accidentally stumbled across past-lives while working with a doctor to help a patient relax. It began so innocently, yet it crossed the boundaries of the imagination to open up an entirely new way of thinking at a time when such a thing was unheard of. It went totally against the belief systems of the time. It was so startling that they should have stopped, but their curiosity demanded that they continue to explore the unorthodox. The experiment changed the participants and everyone involved, and their beliefs would never be the same.
Dolores Cannon is now a world-renowned hypnotherapist who has explored thousands of cases in the forty years since 1968, and has written fifteen books about her discoveries. Her books are translated into more than 20 languages. She is teaching her unique form of hypnosis all over the world. When she lectures people ask, How did you get started on all of this? This is the story of her beginnings. The book was written in 1980, her very first book. It has laid dormant, gathering dust, until now, waiting. Now is the time for it to come forth. Enjoy the adventure!

UFO Sightings and Abductions by aliens were the beginning, the tip of the iceberg. With the emergence of the Dead Sea Scrolls, carefully kept quiet, has opened Pandora’s Box and has shown how much dogma and censorship there is in the Church. Dolores Cannon’s work in hypnosis has taken the study beyond abduction. This accumulation of 12 years of cases includes: * Cases of missing time * Spacecraft from other dimensions and planes of existence * Condensed or distorted time * The differences and functions of various alien races * And much more Dolores traces the phenomenon from the simple to the complex. Exploring areas untouched by other investigators, she makes the unbelievable become acceptable and understandable.

Sequel to Jesus and the Essenes.
The past-life memories of two women capture a true and compelling portrait of Jesus the man, from the healing miracles he performed to the gentle philosophy he preached. This is an INSIDER view, direct from Jesus‘ time, deep in feeling tones and profound in implications, giving a sense of how things truly were. This book includes drawings of the Temple and Old Jerusalem, and includes scenes at the Temple in Jerusalem, visits to homes and leper colonies, political intrigues leading to the crucifixion, and also the personal feelings of those who met him. The realism of this information is astounding.

Offering both comfort to the fearful and confirmation to the curious, this title examines different levels of existence in the spirit realms.
What happens at the point of death?
Where do we go afterwards?
Does one’s personality survive after death?
How are the good and the bad experiences of life accounted for?
What is the purpose of life?
These are questions everybody asks. And no one is better qualified to provide reasonable answers than Dolores Cannon. During fifteen years of detailed research, this widely experienced and well-respected American past-life regression therapist has accumulated a mass of credible information about the death experience and what lies beyond.
While reliving their dying experiences, hundreds of subjects reported the same memories. The similarity and sincerity of their recollections are too convincing to be ignored. This book is a good introduction to the death experience, to guides and guardian angels; ghosts and walk-ins. It examines different levels of existence in the spirit realms; the healing places for the damaged; the schools where you integrate lessons learned on Earth and where you discover the laws of the Universe; how you plan your next incarnation, the lessons to be learned and future karmic relationships before birth.

Through a million-to-one-chance contact through hypnosis, Nostradamus has broken through to our time period to reveal the events he foresaw rushing toward humankind. The master himself explains the puzzles he carefully concealed in code within his famous quatrains or prophesies and warns us so we can use free will to help change the future. He said, “ If I show you the most horrible things man can do to himself, will you do something to change it?

This is the new edition of the popular the last edition was published in 1992. Originally printed in 1989 each edition has added updates of events predicted by Nostradamus that have occurred since the last edition. For this newest edition regressionist and psychic researcher Dolores Cannon has written an extensive addendum that covers evidence of the fulfillment of the prophecies predicted by Nostradamus. Secret weapons computers the World Wide Web and the New Science of Nanotechnology are included among the new topics covered. Nostradamus broke through to our time period by a one-in-a-million chance contact through hypnosis. In this series the master himself explains the puzzles he carefully concealed in code within his famous quatrains or prophecies. Volume One contains 136 quatrains.

The third and final book in this series contains 132 additional quatrains written and deciphered by Nostradamus himself plus the exposure of bogus quatrains erroneously attributed to the great psychic. Dolores Cannon has pierced the veil of the space/time continuum by her use of regressive hypnosis, to bring us warnings of events to come.

Prior to contacting Dolores for a regression session, a 22-year-old American woman inexplicably became deeply traumatized and overwhelmed by a sudden rush of memories that had no rational explanation. The memories were triggered in the following settings. On an ordinary day as she walked into her living room, a program was playing on the television where survivors of the atomic bombing of Hiroshima were being interviewed. There were no scenes of the bombing, simply the interviewer discussing the event with the guests. As she viewed the images of the survivors describing their experiences, without explanation, she suddenly began experienced scenes flashing through her mind of the actual bombing as it occurred in real time. As well as experiencing visual images of the event, additional senses were stimulated as she could also hear the screams of people and feel the deep pain of the experience. Intuitively, she knew she had been present when the event occurred. In the days and weeks that followed after watching the program, the horrific scenes of the explosion itself and the resulting aftermath continued to persistently flood her mind. She was able to push them to the back of her mind for a brief period of time so she could function in everyday life, however, this became too exhausting a process which provided no explanation to what was happening to her or why. At this point, she contacted Dolores and she sought her help via a session. This book is the story of how Dolores carefully traced these experiences back to her life as a Japanese man named Nogorigatu living in Hiroshima during WWII. It tells the story of what the Japanese people experienced during the war and is a side of history that has neither been fully explored nor written about. At the time, it was Dolores most challenging case because she was unsure of how the young lady would react to reliving dying in an atomic explosion. It had to be handled with extreme care. The resulting story cries out to our time, „Do not let this horror happen again!“

We are children of the stars. This is our legacy and our heritage. In the history of the cosmos Earth is a young planet. Our souls on the other hand have been around forever and will continue to be around forever. Thus Earth is not our only home. We have lived many lives in unusual environments before deciding to journey here and learn the lessons of Earth. After our schooling is completed on this planet we will journey onward to discover new worlds to explore. The memories of these soul journeys are recorded in our subconscious and in hypnotherapist Dolores Cannon shows that they can be retrieved through regressive hypnosis. She reports dramatic cases where the subjects relived other lifetimes in strange environments-inhabitants of other planets.

Through regressive hypnosis, a lost legend of the history of mankind has been retrieved from the recesses of time. Did the American Indians descend from the inhabitants of an alien spacecraft that crashed in the Alaska-Canada region thousands of years ago? Keepers of the Garden told the story of the original seeding of the planet Earth by aliens from outerspace. Starcrash indicates that aliens continue to come to Earth, some intentionally and some by accident, throughout our history. In order to adjust to harsh conditions, they were forced to interbreed with the local aborigines. This was the only way to ensure the survival of their race. Does their blood still flow in the veins of certain American Indian tribes? Dolores Cannon, hypnotist and psychic investigator, researches this unique case of past-life regression.

A young man wanting to explore past-life regression discovers this is his first lifetime on Earth. All his other existences were on alien worlds and in other dimensions.
As this unique case is explored further, he finds out that his association with extraterrestrials did not cease with these other lives. The interaction with UFOs and aliens has continued during all his present life, although the information was protectively hidden by his subconscious.
This strang case reveals the motives behind present-day involvement between UFOs and humans, and the hopes and expectations of our creators for their garden.
We are the Garden — The gardeners are extraterrestrials from other worlds

Investigations through hypnotherapy of suspected alien abduction cases. Twelve years of UFO extraterrestrial research dating from 1986 to 1998 conducted by Dolores Cannon.

This is the sequel to ‚The Custodians‘. The book contains some of the more complicated concepts in Metaphysics that Dolores Cannon discovered through twenty years of using deep hypnosis to explore the subconscious mind. Some of the topics explored in this book: The origin, knowledge and destruction of Atlantis; The explanations of Earth mysteries, including — the Pyramids, Easter Island, the Bermuda Triangle, the Ark of the Covenant, Loch Ness Monster, Nazca Lines; Characteristics of other Planets, Parallel Universes, Parallel Lifetimes and Realities; Other Dimensions and much more. This book is intended for those readers who want their minds expanded by the more complicated Metaphysical ideas that border on ‚Quantum Physics‘.

For those who have enjoyed the challenges of Book One of this series, we present Book Two. Buckle your seat belts and get ready for another roller coaster ride that will present new concepts and either threaten or expand your belief systems. Dolores Cannon continues to uncover complicated metaphysics, creating the need for sequels.
Included in this book:
Hidden Underground Cities
Energy and Creator Beings
Time Portals for Traveling Between Dimensions
Life on Other Planets
The Universal Language of Symbols
Splinters and Facets of the Soul
Raising of Vibrations and Frequencies to Shift into the New Earth
Characteristics of the New Earth

Join us on a voyage through time and space into the world of the strange and unusual and unfathomable, as hypnotherapist Dolores Cannon’s Convoluted Universe series continues. Suspend belief as you explore worlds and dimensions where your dreams become reality and your reality is only a dream. Open your mind to a myriad of possibilities that have previously only dwelt in the imagination. More mind-bending concepts for those with open minds and eager curiosities such as:
Other lives as animals, plants and in strange, otherworldly bodies.
Everything is alive. Everything has consciousness.
Help from beings of faraway worlds.
The three waves of volunteers who are coming to help the world go through its transition.
What is God? The true nature of God or the Source, where all come from and all must go back to.
Lifetimes as Creators of universes, the Earth and everything on it.
Different laws of creation and physics where universes obey other rules.
The New Earth and the effects on our bodies as we move into it.
Who will be left behind when the Earth moves into the next dimension.
A totally new alternative to a walk-in.
The Final Solution Energy that can destroy the world if it becomes necessary.

This is the fourth volume in the wildly successful Convoluted Universe series. Premier hypnotherapist and psychic researcher Dolores Cannon does it again. Using deep hypnosis and past life regression techniques, she presents mind-blowing theories and concepts originating from other dimensions.
In this new volume you’ll find more information about the spirit side–where we go after we „die“–plus new information on life reviews and preparing contracts and your life plan of what you hope to accomplish
on your return to Earth.
Cannon uncovers forgotten ancient knowledge widely used by secret mystery schools and ancient civilizations, including Atlantis, Lemuria, and the original Stonehenge. She even explores the creation of life on Earth and presents unknown information about DNA.

This is a fascinating narrative that reveals the cosmic forces that have been in play over the past 66 years. Help has come from the outside to preserve the human race.
In 1945 when the atomic bombs, our „protectors“ and „watchers“ in outer space saw that Earth was on a collision course with disaster. The prime directive of non-interference prevented them from taking any action, but then they came up with a brilliant plan to save Earth and assist her in her ascension. They couldn’t interfere from the „outside,“ but maybe they could influence from the „inside.“ So the call went out for volunteers to come and help. „Earth is in trouble – who wants to volunteer?“
Dolores Cannon, through her hypnosis work has discovered three waves of these volunteers. Some have come direct from the „Source“ and have never lived in any type of physical body before. Others have lived as space beings on other planets or other dimensions. Because all memory is erased upon entry to the Earth dimension, they do not remember their assignment. Thus these beautiful souls have a difficult time adjusting to our chaotic world. These souls have a vital role to play as they help all of the rest of us ascend to the New Earth.

In this new book, Dolores Cannon continues the story begun in two of her previous books, Keepers of the Garden and The Custodians. In those books, she explained how the Extraterrestrials developed life on Earth, how they came to be regarded as gods and explored the complicated relationship between humans and ETs.
This book focuses on the secret knowledge that has been passed from generation to generation after the Extraterrestrials left earth. For centuries, ET wisdom has been protected by the few who belonged to the secret Mystery schools, where a few initiates were chosen to learn and practice the various techniques. The knowledge had to be safeguarded and protected. They knew that it must not die.
Down through countless centuries this knowledge was protected and shared only with the chosen few. Wars have been fought and terrible injustices have been committed in attempts to gain access to this knowledge. Those with the knowledge often died rather than let it fall in to the wrong hands. Now it is no longer reserved strictly for oracles in temples, hermits in caves, or wise men cloistered in hidden schools. It is returning to our time and is now available for all to learn.

„Are you an intrepid explorer of the unknown? Do you enjoy having your mind twisted in ways you never thought possible? Are you ready to leap down the rabbit hole and emerge in undiscovered territory? Well then . . . The Convoluted Universe [series] is your ticket!“ –Abby Horowitz of Mind Body Spirit Odyssey
The fifth volume in the wildly successful Convoluted Universe series is, in the words of the author, „like a big box of mind candy.“ It is meant to be tasted, enjoyed, and pondered over.
Here are new concepts and theories about the true meaning of virtually everything of universal significance. Like Cannon’s previous books, this volume covers a startling range of topics: explorations of alternate universes, time travel, pyramids, extraterrestrial assistance, Big Foot, mermaids, gold, reincarnation, and much more.

This is a story of a young girl who was moved from where she grew up, to a new place in the country where she knew no one. Here she encounters a very special friend to help her adapt.